Pryiutivka Community: A Dynamic Hub for Development and Cooperation

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Priyutivka territorial community is located in the Kirovohrad region, in the center of Ukraine. The population of the community is 11,400 inhabitants. The area of the community is 520 km². The number of settlements is 25. The distance to the nearest city (Oleksandriia) is 10 km. The main specialization of the business is cultivation, storage and processing of agricultural products. State highways M-30, M-22 and the railway pass through the community. There are preschool, general secondary and professional technical education institutions on the territory of the community. Projects on energy conservation, production of alternative energy sources, facilitating access to administrative and infrastructure services, development of the use of unmanned technologies, promotion of activation of the youth movement, and improvement of the quality of communal services are being actively implemented.

Since the beginning of hostilities, the Pryiutivka community has accepted on its territory more than 4 thousand internally displaced persons (hereinafter IDPs), of which about 1 thousand remained until now. The majority of IDPs live in private housing sector, but we have 2 places of compact accommodation. These are communal premises where favorable living conditions have been created at the expense of the budget. A project for the reconstruction of the premises for the accommodation of IDPs has been developed.

Residents and enterprises of the community take an active part in providing humanitarian aid to the residents of the frontline and de-occupied territories and the armed forces of Ukraine.

As part of the future cooperation between municipalities, the Pryiutivka community is interested in exchanging experiences:

  • in the field of secondary education – cooperation between educational institutions, practice of learning foreign languages, joint events, organization of friendly visits;
  • in the field of professional and technical education, the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in agriculture, the development of practical skills in working with modern agricultural machinery of the world's leading manufacturers;
  • in cooperation with public and youth organizations;
  • in the field of culture and leisure organization of the population of the municipal entity;
  • in the field of safety and functioning of fire departments;
  • in the communal generation of alternative energy sources and in the processes of reducing CO2 emissions;
  • in solid household waste management;
  • in the implementation of educational programs and development of recreational areas;
  • in deepening the tools of democracy and the role of local self-government bodies in the functioning of the European Union;
  • in the functioning of municipal administration and administration of local taxes and fees.

Shkilna Str., 4, Pryiutivka Village

Oleksandriya district, Kirovohrad region

Ukraine, 28020

Tel. +380672961760
